
11. Magyar Ókortudományi Konferencia
ELTE BTK, 2014. május 22–24.
Következő szakaszához érkezett a 11. Magyar Ókortudományi Konferencia szervezése. Az előző felhívásban szekciószervezők jelentkezését kértük; mostantól várjuk 2014. január 31-ig azon kollégák egyéni jelentkezését, akik még nem társultak valamelyik szekcióhoz. Jelentkezni a tervezett 20 perces előadások címével lehet kétféleképpen:
- közvetlenül az alább felsorolt szekciók szervezőinél, vagy
- szekció megjelölése nélkül a konferencia szervezőinél a mok11 [at] btk.elte.hu címen (ez esetben nem feltétlenül kell igazodni az alábbi szekciók témáihoz; a szervezők szükség esetén gondoskodnak újabb szekció(k) meghirdetéséről).
A konferencia honlapja a https://mok11.elte.hu/ címen érhető el; itt is megtalálják a tervezett szekciók listáját, illetve a későbbiekben itt lesz elérhető a részletes program, továbbá minden más, a konferenciával kapcsolatos információ. Amennyiben kérdésük van, kérjük, keressék a szervezőket a fenti email-címen!
a szervezők
“Colonial geopolitics and local cultures in the Hellenistic and Roman East (IIIrd century  B.C. – IIIrd century A.D.)”

It seems clear that, in the Greek-speaking regions of the Roman Empire, Hellenistic models (civic, military or institutional) exercised considerable influence over “Italic” colonial projects. Within this field, relations between military colonists and indigenous peoples demand special attention, considering the degree of social, cultural, economic, political and geopolitical transformation brought about by the installation of certain groups upon those lands as a result of the will of the great power(s) that ruled over them.

Some questions, however, are rarely asked: e.g. how did classical colonization influence the homonymous phenomenon from the Hellenistic Age (and, further on, how many aspects of the Hellenistic colonization were kept alive by the Roman founders of cities? Also, since we know now that many “native” cities became poleis by the second century B.C. How did this happen exactly ? What was the metamorphosis of the native city when turning into a polis ? Was it simply a façade ? How deep – and peaceful – were the required changes ?

As for the Roman colonization, modern scholars have often described Roman colonies as vectors of Romanization inserted in alien lands, writing that these communities must have functioned as images of a “small Rome.” While the existence of Latin-speaking colonists ruled by a favorable juridical system such as the Ius Italicum cannot be denied, such a reductionist model can no longer be accepted without qualification, especially in the context of the Greek-speaking provinces of the Roman East. The regions of the Eastern Mediterranean world saw the coming of a number of groups of Roman colonists and thus their cultural climate, their agrarian structures and their geopolitical environment changed. The aim of this panel is to explore new research paths based on broader studies over time and space.

From this perspective, the papers proposed for this panel may address the following issues:

- the colonial geopolitics promoted by the States;

- the cultural and social origins of the groups being displaced by the State and established elsewhere as colonists;

- the social, economic, cultural and military consequences of the colonization over the local populations (e.g. – the loss of agricultural land, the displacement towards desert or mountainous areas, revolts, brigandage, piracy, the way of joining the armies of the States, the way of becoming mercenaries, the strengthening of the indigenous cultural identities);

- evidences of peaceful coexistence, voluntary or not, as seen through economic, cultural or social aspects (e.g. – where did the colonists get their wives? Did the colonists learn the language of the indigenous people or vice-versa)?

- (dis)continuities in the colonial practices of the Hellenistic and Roman Ages;

- documentary methodologies allowing the deepening of knowledge on the indigenous cultures in the colonial context and the phenomena of acculturation;

- the historical sociology of the colonial territories.

For a full abstract of the panel in both English and French, please see Call for papers.

Contact :

Hadrien Bru (Université de Franche-Comté / Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité)



Adrian Dumitru (Metropolitan Library of Bucarest)



“Money and Cult” – The Role of the Temple in the Ancient Economy (Dublin, 23 – 25 May 2014, The Irish Society for the Study of the Ancient Near East)

As major social and administrative institutions, often with substantial assets, temples played an important role within the economies of the Ancient Near East. Not only were resources diverted to them for building and cultic use, but many temples also played a role in the creation of wealth and the employment of various strata of society, from priests to scribes to slaves. Similarly, kings both patronised temples and used them as convenient sources of revenue. The interactions between religious needs and economic practicalities were complex and varied significantly over time and location. We therefore invite papers which examine the intertwined roles of cult and economy in the Ancient Near East.

Papers which explore a wide-range of economic aspects of temple cults or the cultic ramifications of economic realities are expected. Appropriate topics include building programmes, educational programmes, sacrificial economies, trade in cultic paraphernalia, systems of tithing and temple taxation, and the relationship of priests to royal administrations. We are also interested in the relationships between temples, such as the temples in Jerusalem, Elephantine, Leontopolis, and on Mount Gerizim (and elsewhere), and how much their interaction may have been aided or hindered by economic aspects.

Depending on received submissions, sessions will be structured in chronological order with the days divided as follows:

Friday, 23 May 2014:              Early First Millennium (to the Neo-Babylonian Period)

Saturday, 24 May 2014:          From the Persian to the Seleucid Era

Sunday, 25 May 2014:             Roman Period (from the reign of Herod the Great to the end of the Bar Kokhba Rebellion)

We invite abstracts of no more than 500 words to reach us by email at hekhal.dublinia@gmail.com by 28 February 2014.

Please note, presentation of papers at this conference will be 40 minutes within a one-hour slot, allowing time for ample discussion after each paper.

For further details, see Hekhal website https://hekhal.wordpress.com/


14th International Congress of the International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies (FIEC)

The 14th International Congress of the International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies (FIEC) will be held in Bordeaux (France) between Monday 25th August and Saturday 30th August 2014. After the congress in Berlin (2009), this meeting in Bordeaux will give classicists from around the world and at all stages of their careers the opportunity to gather and provide an overview of the most recent research in classical studies.

The ninth panel of the congress is entitled as "The business world", and the two main invited guess speakers will be Jean-Jacques Aubert (Neuchâtel, Switzerland) and Lisa Kallet (Oxford, UK).

The Congress will hold two different types of speeches: 1) Lectures (45 minutes) pronounced during plenary sessions by the speakers invited by the International Committee. 2) Communications (20 minutes) taking place during the different panels. The Organization Committee will select those communications from unsolicited applications. The organizers are particularly interested in papers that focus on new material evidence, new interpretations of texts or new interpretive paradigms.

Every person wishing to make a communication of 20 minutes should submit a title and an abstract (max. 200 words) to the Organization Committee, indicating in which panel they wish to participate. Those details should be sent exclusively using the submission form provided on this website, through the link "Submit an abstract". The Organization Committee will ignore any abstract submitted without this form or after September 30th, 2013. The candidates will receive a notification from the Organization Committee as to whether or not their abstract has been accepted by the end of November 2013. In order to make exchanges easier, the papers should be presented in one of the following languages: English, French, German, and Italian.


New Approaches to the Temple of Zeus at Olympia. An International Symposium at Budapest, 8-10 May 2014

The symposium, sponsored by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is intended to adopt this new synoptic approach and invites to the interdisciplinary discussion of recent hypotheses related both to the sculptures and to the history of the entire monument. Papers dealing with archaeological or art historical problems, discussions of the architecture and the history of the monument including relevant epigraphic and numismatic studies are therefore most welcome. Topics include, but are not restricted to the following subjects: reconstruction and interpretation of the pediments and metopes; the economic and financial background of the temple building and sacred economy in general; Elean coinage and history; relations between individual poleis (Elis, Sparta, Athens, etc.) and Olympia; comparisons with other temples and (panhellenic) sanctuaries; afterlife of the temple (ancient damages, repairs, restorations).

A konferenciafelhívás itt olvasható.


XI. Magyar Ókortudományi Konferencia
2014. május 22. és 24. között az ELTE Ókortudományi Intézete rendezi meg a XI. Magyar Ókortudományi Konferenciát Budapesten. A konferencia kiemelt témája: az ókortudomány mondanivalója a 21. századnak. Ehhez kapcsolódnak a plenáris előadások. 
A konferencia programja önállóan szerveződő szekciók anyagából tevődik össze. A szekció szervezője (elnöke) önállóan dönt arról, kit hív meg, illetve kit fogad be az általa szervezett szekcióba. A konferencia szervezőbizottsága csak arról kíván gondoskodni, hogy a szekciók száma és jellege híven tükrözze a magyar ókortudomány szakmai adottságait. Arra kérjük a résztvevőket, hogy a hasonló témával foglalkozó, esetleg hasonló módszertant követő csoportok először maguk tervezzék meg a programjukat. Később természetesen lehetőség nyílik egyéni, szekcióktól független jelentkezésekre is. Ebben az esetben, ha a tervezett előadás jól illeszkedik egy már meglevő szekció témájához, a szervezők javaslatot tesznek a meglévő szekció kibővítésére, ha új, korábban létező szekciókban nem tárgyalt témáról van szó, a szervezőbizottság vegyes tematikájú szekciót hoz létre. 
2013. november 15-ig várjuk a szekció-szervezők jelentkezését, majd január 15-ig a szekcióktól független egyéni jelentkezéseket a következő e-mail-címre: mok11 [at] btk.elte.hu. Ugyanezen a címen várjuk kérdéseiket és javaslataikat is. (A szervezőbizottság.)
II. Ókori Történeti Földrajz Konferencia

A PTE BTK Ókortörténeti Tanszéke idén októberben rendezi meg a II. Ókori Történeti Földajz konferencát, amelyen az ország különböző felsőoktatási intézményeiből és kutatóhelyeiről érkező 21 előadó vesz részt. Idei kiemelt témánk a természeti környezet és a gazdaság (ökológia és ökonómia) kapcsolata az ókorban. Az előadásokat két szekcióban bonyolítjuk: az egyikben az Ókori Kelet és Egyiptom, a másikban a klasszikus antikvitás és a Kárpát-medence térségének történeti földrajzi kérdéseiről esik szó.

A konferencia helyszíne: PTE BTK Rókus u. 2. M ép. 1. em. 104. és 106. terem

A konferencia időpontja: 2013. október 4. 9.45-17.45 óra

A részletes program itt olvasható docx fájlban.

A konferenciafelhívás ide kattintva olvasható.

A konferencia plakátja innen tölthető le pdf fájlban.


Rural Communities in a Globalizing Economy - New Perspectives on the Economic Integration of Roman Italy

28/29 November 2013, Royal Dutch Institute in Rome

The conference will bring together scholars from different disciplines working on the Roman economy, with a strong (but not exclusive) focus on the countryside of Roman Italy. Aim is to develop a dialogue between different (theoretical, top-down and data-driven, bottom-up) approaches to the rural economy, and to come to new, integrated ways to study its development in the globalizing Roman economy. Emphasis will lie on the economic backgrounds and circumstances that led to the integration of rural economies in a Mediterranean-wide system, including developments in agriculture (specialization, intensification), crafts production and industry (with an emphasis on minor centers and rural areas), and infrastructure (local road systems, waterways, ports).

A konferenciafelhívás ide kattintva tölthető le pdf fájlban.


Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces

The Czech Institute of Egyptology announces the international conference Profane landscapes, sacred spaces. The aim of the meeting will be to discuss issues connected to environment development and climate change research in Egyptology, and to the ways ancient Egyptians reflected their environment and created sacred spaces within the natural landscape.

The conference will be held in Prague on June 30 – July 2, 2014.

Should you be interested in giving a paper, please submit your proposal (ca. 500 words) to the organisers prior to November 18, 2013; clearly stating the methods applied, the nature of the evidence and the goals of your contribution. All proposals will be peer-reviewed and decided upon by December 1. Each of the accepted talks will be given 30 minutes for presentation plus 10-15 minutes for discussion. Conference publication is planned.

On behalf of the organisers: Miroslav Barta, Jiri Janak, Czech Institute of Egyptology (miroslav.barta@ff.cuni.cz, jiri.janak@ff.cuni.cz).

The original call for papers can be read here.


I. Ókori Történeti Földrajz Konferencia

PTE, BTK, Történettudományi Intézet, Ókortörténeti Tanszék

2011. szeptember 29.

Összefoglalók: 1-OTF-summaries.pdf (222681)

Plakát: 1OTF-plakat.pdf (4028526)

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