Római gazdaságtörténet


Általános gazdaságtörténet

Fulford, M.: "Economic Interdependence among Urban Communities of the Roman Mediterranean," World Archaeology 19:1 (1987) 58-75. <pdf>

Hopkins, K.: "Taxes and Trade in the Roman Empire, 200 B.C.-A.D. 400," Journal of Roman Studies 70 (1980) 101-125. <pdf>

Woolf, Greg: "Imperialism, Empire, and the Integration of the Roman Economy," World Archaelogy 23:3 (1992) 283-293. <pdf>



Földek, földbirtokok

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Erdkamp, P.: Agriculture, Underemployment, and the Cost of Rural Labour in the Roman World,  Classical Quarterly 49:2 (1999) 556-572. <pdf>



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Rickman, G.: The Corn Supply of Ancient Rome, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1980. pp. 290. <pdf 1,4 Mb>

Erdkamp, P.: The Grain Market in the Roman Empire. A Social, Political, and Economic Study. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005. pp. 364. <pdf 2,7 Mb>

Helbaek, H.: “The Isca Grain, A Roman Plant Introduction in Britain,” New Phytologist 63:2 (1964) 158-164. <pdf>


Olajfatermesztés és olajtermelés

Bradley, A.: „Koprones and Oil Presses at Halieis: Interactions of Town and Country and the Integration ofDomestic and Regional Economies,” Hesperia 68:4 (1999) 549-573. <pdf>

Remesal Rodríguez, J.: “Baetican Olive Oil and Roman Economy,” in S. Keay (ed.), The Archaeology of Early Roman Baetica, Portsmouth, R.I., Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1998, 183-199. <pdf>

Blázquez, J. M.: „ The Latest Work on the Export of Baetican Olive Oil to Rome and the Army,” Greece & Rome 39:2 (1992) 173-188. <pdf>

Leveau, P.: “L’oléiculture en Gaule Narbonnaise : données archéologiques et paléoenvironnemtales. Présentation – Interprétation,” Revue archéologique de Picardie 1-2 (2003) 299-308. <pdf>


Szőlőtermesztés és borászat

Purcell, N.: “Wine and Wealth in Ancient Italy,” Journal of Roman Studies 75 (1985) 1-19. <pdf>

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Figueiral, I., Bouby, L., Buffat, H., Petitot, J.-F.: “Archaeobotany, vine growing and wine producing in Roman Southern France: the site of Gasquinoy (Béziers, Hérault),” Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (2010) 139-149. <pdf>

Balmelle, C. et al.: “La viticulture antique en Aquitaine,” Gallia 58 (2001) 129-164. <pdf>

Jung, C. : “La viticulture antique dans le Tricastin (moyenne vallée du Rhône),” Gallia 58 (2001) 113-128. <pdf>


Állattenyésztés és állatkereskedelem

Badan, O., Congés, G., Brun, J.-P. : “ Les bergeries romaines de la Crau d'Arles. Les origines de la transhumance en Provence,” Gallia 52 (1995) 263-310. <pdf>

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Epplett, C: “The Capture of Animals by the Roman Military,” Greece & Rome 48:2 (2001) 210-222. <pdf>

MacKinnon, M.: “Supplying exotic animals for the Roman amphitheater games: new reconstructions combining archaeological, ancient textual, historical, and ethnographical data,”  Mouseion Ser. III. 6 (2006) 137–161. <pdf>



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Morley, N.: Trade in Classical Antiquity, Key Themes in Ancient History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007. <pdf>

Bang, P. F.: "Trade and Empire - In search of Organizing Concepts for the Roman Economy," Past and Present 195 (2007) 3-54. <pdf>


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