
2013.10.29 07:27

Ancient animal figurines unearthed outside Jerusalem

Archaeologists uncovered two stone animal figurines outside Jerusalem that shed light on local life 9,000 years ago, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Wednesday. Two Stone Age animal figurines were found outside Jerusalem. Archaeologists say they are 9,500 years old (photo credit: Yael...
2013.10.26 11:39

Collapse of Bronze Age empires caused by drought

More than 3,200 years ago, the thriving civilizations in and around modern-day Israel suddenly collapsed for reasons that have long been a mystery.   Analysis of pollen grains taken from sediment beneath the Sea of Galilee have pinpointed the period of crisis that led to the...
2013.10.23 07:52

Canaanite Tel Kabri: big palace or big oikos?

Five kilometers from the Mediterranean coast, the Canaanite palace at Tel Kabri is a sprawling Middle Bronze Age edifice.   The western wing of the sprawling, 6,000-square meter Canaanite palace at Tel Kabri [Credit: Skyview Photography] We don't know what the site...
2013.10.20 20:35

Ancient Greek wine cellar unearthed in Bulgaria

A team of archaeologists, headed by Associate Professor Aneliya Bozhkova with the National Archaeological Institute with Museum with the Bulgarian Academy of Science, and Petya Kiyashkina with the Ancient Nesebar Museum, discovered a perfectly preserved cellar with amphorae from the fifth century...
2013.10.19 14:52

Ancient Syrians favoured local obsidian

An archaeologist at the University of Sheffield has found evidence that, contrary to a widely held theory, ancient Syrians made their stone tools locally instead of importing finished tools from Turkey.   Obsidian [Credit: Dr Ellery Frahm] The discovery, newly...
2013.10.18 11:34

Prehistoric Code Discovered in Mesopotamia

Researchers studying clay balls from Mesopotamia have discovered clues to a lost code that was used for record-keeping about 200 years before writing was invented. The clay balls may represent the world's "very first data storage system," at least the first that scientists know of, said...
2013.10.18 09:56

6200 éves bort találtak Görögországban

Az ókori Philippi mellett található prehisztorikus lelőhelyen, Dikili Tasnál feltárt kerámiában görög régészek i.e. 4200-ra datált bormaradványokat azonosítottak. A terület – írják a kutatók honlapjukon – i.e. 6500 óta lakott. A görög-francia kutatócsapat 2008-ban kezdett ásni Dikili Tasnál, ahol...
2013.10.18 09:53

Ókori görög bevásárlóközpontot tártak fel

Régészek idén nyáron egy 2700 éves oszlopcsarnok romjaira bukkantak Görögország északi részén. Az egyedülálló portikusz szakértők szerint egy ókori "bevásárlóközpont" volt, ahol az üzletek egymás mellé épültek. Az Argilosz városában idén júniusban feltárt oszlopcsarnok egy ókori „pláza” volt,...
2013.10.18 06:20

Museum reluctant to open ancient Roman wine

Scientists want to study samples of the world’s oldest wine, currently on display at the Historical Museum of the Palatinate in the western German city of Speyer. There’s just one problem: everyone’s afraid to open the bottle. The 1,650 years old glass bottle was found...
2013.10.18 06:18

Remains of Roman villa found near Devizes

The remains of what is believed to be a 2,000-year-old Roman villa have been discovered near Devizes in Wiltshire.   The villa was discovered on land next to Lay Wood near Devizes [Credit: BBC] Archaeologists uncovered the remains on land near Lay Wood, between the...

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