Cikkek archívuma

2013.10.18 06:20

Museum reluctant to open ancient Roman wine

Scientists want to study samples of the world’s oldest wine, currently on display at the Historical Museum of the Palatinate in the western German city of Speyer. There’s just one problem: everyone’s afraid to open the bottle. The 1,650 years old glass bottle was found...
2013.10.18 06:18

Remains of Roman villa found near Devizes

The remains of what is believed to be a 2,000-year-old Roman villa have been discovered near Devizes in Wiltshire.   The villa was discovered on land next to Lay Wood near Devizes [Credit: BBC] Archaeologists uncovered the remains on land near Lay Wood, between the...
2013.10.11 18:22

Experts discover the mother of Roman perfumes on Mediterranean coast

Researchers at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville have described a new plant in the eastern Mediterranean, growing mainly near the coast. The importance of this discovery is that the plant is the maternal ancestor of a species of hybrid origin, Reseda odorata, used since Roman times due to...
2013.10.11 18:20

Museum reluctant to open ancient Roman wine

Scientists want to study samples of the world’s oldest wine, currently on display at the Historical Museum of the Palatinate in the western German city of Speyer. There’s just one problem: everyone’s afraid to open the bottle. The glass bottle, thought to be at least 1,650 years old, was found in...
2013.10.11 18:17

Remains of Roman villa found near Devizes

The remains of what is believed to be a 2,000-year-old Roman villa have been discovered near Devizes in Wiltshire. Archaeologits uncovered the remains on land near Lay Wood, between the Kennet and Avon Canal and Horton Road, as part of a survey ahead of a new housing development. Wessex...
2013.09.30 05:24

Ancient peoples lived high up in the mountains of the French Alps

It has generally been believed that ancient humans had little interest in living in the harsh climates of mountainous terrain. Now, a 14 year research project in France’s Parc National des Eìcrins has shown that people have been living in the high slopes of the French Alps for over 8000...
2013.09.24 08:04

6,000 yr old wine discovered in eastern Macedonia

In the prehistoric settlement of Dikili Tash were discovered the oldest samples of wine that were ever recorded in Europe. The samples date back to 4200 BC and reverse existing data regarding the way of living during the Neolithic period. The prehistoric site of Dikili Tash is located south east...
2013.09.22 21:39

II. Ókori Történeti Földrajz konferencia

A II. Ókori Történeti Földrajz konferencia megrendezésére Pécsett kerül sor 2013. október 4-én. A szimpóziumot a résztvevők magas száma miatt két szekcióban bonyolítjuk le a PTE BTK Ókortörténeti Tanszékén (Rókus u. 2. "M" épület 104. és 106. terem). A részletes programot olvashatják vagy...
2013.09.22 21:16

Egy készülő egyetemi jegyzet: ókori történeti földrajz

2013. januárjában Kóthay Katalin, Csabai Zoltán és jómagam elhatároztuk, hogy nagy fába vágjuk a fejszénket. Egy régóta hiányzó egyetemi jegyzetet készítünk ókori történeti földrajz témában: Katalin Egyiptomot, Zoltán az Ókori Keletet, jómagam pedig a klasszikus antikvitást vállaltam el. Egyelőre...
2013.09.21 20:37

Ptolemaiosz nyomában az indiai kutatók

Hivatásos régészek és diákok mérik fel a dél-indiai állam, Tamilnádu part menti településeit, hogy kiderítsék, valóban léteztek-e a Klaudiosz Ptolemaiosz által említett ókori kikötővárosok. A méréseket a thanjavuri Tamil Egyetem víz alatti régészetre szakosodott archeológusai végzik két sávban,...

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