Cikkek archívuma

2013.09.21 20:30

Scientists search for wood used for ancient triremes

Scientists from Greece and the US believe they are close to tracing the wood from which ancient triremes were made.  The scientists are searching in Pieria (one of the regional units of Greece, located in the southern part of Macedonia, in the Region of Central Macedonia) for the Macedonian...
2013.09.18 09:58

Az etruszkoktól tanulták a gallok a borkészítést

Egy ókori, mészkőből készült eszköz a legrégebbi szőlőprés, amelyet valaha felfedeztek francia földön; a szakemberek i. e. 425-re datálják a nem mindennapi leletet. Az eddigi kutatások szerint az etruszkok hozhatták be a gallok földjére a borkészítés tudományát. A borkészítés első bizonyítéka a...
2013.09.17 11:52

Eltemetett bibliai halászfalu (Dalmanuta?) a Kinneret-tó mellett

Egy kétezer éves település maradványait találták meg brit régészek a Galileai-tenger északnyugati partján található Ginosar-völgyben, pontosan ott, ahol „Jézus hajója” is előkerült 27 évvel ezelőtt (képünkön). „Azokban a napokban, amikor ismét igen nagy volt a sokaság és nem volt mit enniük,...
2013.09.15 20:32

An ancient olive oil production centre in Pamphylia

The ancient settlement of Lyrboton Kome in Antalya’s Varsak province, discovered in 1910 by European archaeologists but not yet excavated, was the most important olive oil production center of the region in antiquity. Professor Nevzat Cevik, a member of Akdeniz University’s Archaeology Department,...
2013.09.15 20:09

Mycenaean palace, Linear B tablets found near Sparta

Until recently, Laconia was regarded an exception in the map of the Peloponnese Mycenaean palaces, even though –according to myth– its queen, Helen, was the cause of the Trojan War (the Homeric epics are an important source of information about the topography, the social and political organization...
2013.09.13 20:41

Ancient Egyptian brewery reconstructed in 3D

A 5,500 years old brewing installation discovered by Polish archaeological mission at Tell el-Farcha in Egypt has been reconstructed in 3D by Karolina Rosińska-Balik, PhD student at the Jagiellonian University Institute of Archaeology. "The presented reconstruction is a hypothetical assumption...
2013.09.08 20:29

Late Roman well unearthed near Heslington

Archaeologists from the University of York say a virtually intact Late Roman well discovered near Heslington, on the outskirts of the city, may have had significance in contemporary local agricultural cycles and fertility practices. The well, which is thought to have been in use for several...
2013.09.08 20:12

Declassified spy photographs reveal lost Roman frontier

Declassified spy photography has uncovered a lost Roman Eastern frontier, dating from the second century AD. Research by archaeologists at the Universities of Glasgow and Exeter has identified a long wall that ran 60 kilometers from the Danube to the Black Sea over what is modern Romania. It is...
2013.09.08 20:07

Bronze Age boats older than was first thought

Eight Bronze Age boats discovered in a deep Cambridgeshire quarry are much older than it was first thought, carbon-dating research has revealed. The vessels, found by archaeologists at Must Farm near Peterborough in 2011, have now been dated to about 1500 BC, 200 years older than was first...
2013.09.08 19:58

Evidence of Production of Luxury Textiles and Extraction of Copper from Hala Sultan Tekke (Cyprus)

A Swedish archaeological expedition from the University of Gothenburg has excavated a previously unknown part of the Bronze Age city Hala Sultan Tekke (around 1600–1100 BC). The finds include a facility for extraction of copper and production of bronze objects, evidence of production of luxurious...

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